Zines (A5 editions)
£4.00 - £5.00
Zines (A5 editions):
Teaching And Why It's (Mostly) Shit
by Elizabeth B.
An open, honest overview of ten years of Primary teaching in the UK written by a teacher at the end of their tether.
A5, 48 pages, staple-bound, uncoated stock.
Foxhole Zine Volume 5 - The Youth Issue:
56 pages of writing, art and photography, guest curated by Mary Scott
Saddle stitched, full colour, first printing, £5
Featuring contributions from:
Sandra Gea
Ethan Bucher
Bukunmi Oyewole
Emily Beard
Fred Fabre
Tim Cooke
Izzy de Wattripont
Olivia Guppy
Harry Grunfeld
David Dunnico
Anne Vincent Djikstra
Jess Conway
Julie Blankenship
Scott Manley Hadley
Jasmine Bruno
James Hudson
Kevin R. Farrell Jr
Foxhole Vol 4 – The Information Issue
Art, photography, non-fiction (various contributors)
48 pages, A5, staple-bound, colour, first printing, £4
Final shots from thirty four adventures
40 pages, A5 (landscape), staple-bound, colour, first printing, £3
This Is Not A Monument: Polaroids From Marrakech
Travel writing and analogue photography from Morocco.
48 pages, A5, staple-bound, colour, 3rd printing, £4
Suggested Remedies: Collage Works 2015-19
by Daniel J.Gregory
52 pages, full colour, 170gsm uncoated stock, staple-bound, A5.
First printing, 2023. £5
Nice Scenery On The Way Down
Collecting selected collage works by Mark Beechill, created between 2013 and 2023
36 pages, colour / b&w, 120gsm uncoated stock, staple-bound, A5.
First printing (edition of 50), 2023. £5
Nothing To See Here, Volume 1: Rip & Remnants
A5, 56 pages, staple-bound, full colour, first printing, edition of 35.
There urban collage and found art of ripped poster remnants.
10 Years of Pissing About
A Compilation of early stuff that isn't shit.
A5, staple-bound, b&w text & images. Edition of 50. £5